Datas Importantes
Envio de Trabalhos
Campus Penha
Campus Penha
Campus Penha

PLURIS is a joint organization of Portuguese and Brazilian researchers and professors which takes place since 2005 in several cities such as São Carlos (Br), Braga (Pt) e Santos (Br). This fourth PLURIS conference will happen in October 2010 at the city of Faro, in Portugal.

The previous PLURIS conferences provided an enriching exchange of experiences between researchers and technicians from different countries. Therefore, its new 2010 edition aims at reinforcing and enhancing the established connections and also at integrating new participants whose academic and professional works suit the themes of this conference.

The conference is oriented to a broad community working in different knowledge areas related with Regional and Urban Planning. Consequently, we invite academics, researchers and practitioners to submit abstract proposals for papers resulting from Master dissertations, Doctoral theses, research projects as well as from professional application works.

This PLURIS edition is intended to give special emphasis to Web platforms, as these are an increasingly popular means of communication and knowledge-sharing to all communities, scientific and professional, and to the general public.


Anything you do to spread the news about the event would be much appreciated. We look forward to your participation in PLURIS2010 and to see you in Faro.



The Conference Coordinators,


Rui A. R. Ramos, Universidade do Minho

Antônio Nélson R. da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo

Léa Cristina L. de Souza, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Maria Manuela Pires Rosa, Universidade do Algarve



phone +351 253 604 727

Universidade do MinhoUniversidade de São PauloUniversidade Federal de São CarlosUniversidade do Algarve